Another Guy's Take on the Warriors Draft Night...

I'm going to be honest, I'm not sold on Anthony Randolph...yet. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm almost positive I weigh more than him and he has NINE inches on me. So as you can imagine, when I first heard his named called by my beloved Warriors, I was not jumping up and down. To tell the truth, I was hoping for a potential backup to Stack in the mold of Donte Greene or CD-R. According to Mully, I got my back-up to Stack, seeing as he thinks AR will play the 3. Now, I live in SEC country and I saw him play when Georgia played LSU (and saw Richard Hendrix but more on that later). The kid is a baller but his shooting leaves a lot to be desired. If he ever wants to play in Nellie's system, especially at 3, he is going to have to develop a range of more than 15 feet. Which I believe he can. The kid (i can say that now seeing as almost the whole lottery is younger than I am. i don't yet know how that makes me feel...) is only 18 and is said to be by one scout "A Chris Bosh starter kit". Sounds good to me and should sound good to eager Warriors fans.

My opinion on Richard Hendrix is totally different. I think he is a solid player who can come in and contribute now. He is in the Maxiell/Bass mold which is EXACTLY what the Dubs need. My friend in Georgia text messaged me after the pick and said "I once got up to Hendirx real close and the only thing i could think of was that that this is a very large black man next to me." Music to my ears. A bruiser who can become a Paul Milsap for us and guard the Turiafs and Boozers of the league is always welcome on any of my squads. Welcome to the team Dick.

Now for those of you who, like me, think it is an eternity to the next season to watch these guys need fear not. Vegas Summer League is almost upon us. It starts July 10th and can be seen on NBATV and I am assuming I checked the schedule and guess who has the very first game at 1pm on July 10th at the Thomas and Mack Center? You guessed it, the Warriors. I love summer league, if only for the fact that you get to see random guys light it up. Remember Belli's 37 point performance last year? No one else does either...

As a side note, how about the Blazers? I am pretty sure Pritchard pops in NBA 2k8, picks association mode, chooses the Blazers, and plays around with the roster for three hours a day. The guy flat out loves his team and wants to see it succeed. I can not argue with any of his picks and seeing him land Jarryd Bayless while unloading Jarret Jack and Josh McRoberts was a stroke of genius. Bayless/Roy/Webster/Aldridge/Oden. That is a scary team and the funny part is, Oden is probably a shoe in for rookie of the year. Very intriguing and nasty team for probably the next decade.

As another side note, how much fun is NBA 2k9 going to be? There is going to be so many good teams in the league next year, I may venture out of my 2 or 3 team comfort zone. The Warriors will still be my fav tho. My new fav line-up will be Boom(assuming he is there. I will post my thoughts on him in a diff post)/Stack/Randolph/BWright/Biendris, with ellis coming in for stack and boom at different times. For those of you who have the game on PS3 and can't wait for next years updated roster... I mean NBA 2k9, here is the link for a roster file that has all of the new rookies in the free agent pool, plus updated rosters (not including the draft night trades, you will have to do that yourself):

One random fact: Anthony Randolph's chosen number.... 4. A certain former Warriors rookie of the year wore that number. Make of it what you will...

Anyway, I am sure there is much more talk about, but I have to get back to work. This blogging thing seems fun and I will try and get in some more posts in the near future. One Dub...